Dear All;
A) The TMG did not annoince anything about this meeting and were satisfied by sending SMS msgs. because all who participated are the TMG group employees who are living in El-Rehab and are the biggest beneficiaries of the current status.
B) These people who against the HERASA case are happy with things as is since they are accumulating the wealth using our money and deposites. So why would they agree with those honorables who want to hold the JEHAZ liable for any of its bad decisions like that one of the GATES MAGNATIC CARD.
C) Mr. Mustashar if you are a man of law as you claim, you must know that this HERASA case does not depend on counts of people. We are 40 people who are asking for knowing how this city is run using our money. The oppononent may be thousands but they will never deny our rights.
D) The HARES Guardian) will be appointed by court of law with some of our members participating and holding the JEHAZ resposible for every pound the spend.
E) The bottom line is that TMG are afraid that this case will open a can of warms of coruption from the begining of the city until today. The 25th of Juanuary revolution and our justice Department is cuurentlty reviewing what was going on in the last 30 years and TMG will be one of the targets INSA.
Finally: Mr Mustashar, in case if you did not know Egypt had a revolution on January 25th, 2011 which will clean up all of these coruptions and coverups.
All the best.
Dr. Aly Sharaf