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 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
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رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

حضانات Nurseries and Pre-schools

الاضافة بواسطة Sameh tolba
تاريخ الاضافة 08/10/2008

Hi, I'm a mother of a little boy, he is 1 year and 10 months. I have been looking for a good nursery for him and in fact i didn't like "happy tweety" at all! I found like 3 nice nurseries outside Al Rehab "in Heliopolis". One of them sound really good, i think it is the best one of them but the problem is they need at least 5 kids to allow transportation to Al Rehab City. It is really good, cozy interesting nursery. If any of you interested please contact me or leave a message. If any of you know good nurseries please share me. Thank you.


I'm a mother of a little boy, he is 1 year and 10 months.

I have been looking for a good nursery for him and in fact i didn't like "happy tweety" at all!

I found like 3 nice nurseries outside Al Rehab "in Heliopolis".

One of them sound really good, i think it is the best one of them  but the problem is they need at least 5 kids to  allow transportation to Al Rehab City.

It is really good, cozy interesting nursery.

If any of you interested please contact me or leave a message.

If any of you know good nurseries please share me.

Thank you.


my child is in a very good nursery
snow white in heliopolis ..tel 24176931
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

مجموعة 76 عمارة 3
انت عندك حق هابى تويتى حضانة سئية للغاية ان بنتى راحت 3 أيام فقط و كانت تصحى بالليل على كوابيس و صريخ حضانة لا حضانة لا و بعد كده راحت حضانة هايلة جدااااااااااااااااااااااااا فى شارع الثورة اسمها بابيون تليفونها 24184034 مش عايزة اقولك ان البنت يوم الجمعه و السبت اجازة الحضانة كانت بتبقى عايزة تروح
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

حضانات Nurseries and Pre-schools
Hi My daughter goes after school to a very clean nursery out of Gate 13, when taking a U turn going back to the left, there is a villa with huge plants at the entrance, they are still painting the villa, so it doesn't have a specific colour, they are located on the first floor. The owner is a doctor who left medicine to look after her nursery. Good luck
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

يا ريت يا مدام هاله توصفيلى عنوان الحضانه بالضبط او تدينى نمرة التليفون انا تليفونى 26072081 او 0128033088 انا مامة باسل
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

re your request
hi, i am Marwa leaving at elrehab group 48 my daughter was go to Kiddy Corners Nursery its a very nice place and the top managements are very qualified they interest to build a good childrens, the nursery address 5 almoushir ahmed ismaeal sheraton the tel 22685944,also up to this moment we use the nursery , after school service fine we use it because i am worker, my daughter 4years she is going to MSE school,thanks if you need any more information please contact me . :blush
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

to mrs. hala
please send me the full details about this nursery
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

There r one in front of gate 13 , name is Pomme D'Api it is a good one and have english or french classes & bus 2 you can go and c it , phone no. 0114202094 & 0105996500 , i hope u like it
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

no nurseries in Rehab,why?
 why there is no private nurserries!!all other than tweaty are outside Rehab.
Is this policy of Rehab??
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

Dear All,
Sorry for the delay in answering.
Unfortunately I lost the nursery's tel. number, I only have the owners mobile number which I can not give without her permission.  Will check with her if I can announce it or bring the nursery's number from her.  You can contact me through my work email which I check daily:  hala.elshiaty@mansourgroup.com
The address is very easy, when you go out of Gate 13, the normal direction is to the right, take the first 'U' turn and go back crossing the street to the small narrow street, you will find villa's under construction, one of them is green/white & golden, it's very abvious, the nursery is on the half 1st floor on the right.  They open from 07:30 hrs. till 17:00 hrs. with an extra fees till 18:00 hrs., it includes breakfast, lunch and a snack.
Sorry again for the delay, I did not check El Rehaby for quite a long time.
Good luck.
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

حضانات و مدارس
 هيه متأخره شويه بس انا قريت المدونه تانى بعد اكتر من سنتين انا عايزه اسم الحضانه و التليفون و العنوان ضرورى بتاع الحضانه اللى اتكلمتى عليها فى المدونه اللى اتكتبت بتاريخ 2008/10/8  و يا ريت لو عرفتى اى حضانه احسن او مدرسه كويسه لان عندى ولدين 3شهور و 3 سنين و شكرا - رجاء الاتصال بى 26072081 - 0107817901  ام باسل
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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