أقسام العقارات والمبوبة والدليل مازالوا تحت التطوير وسيتم الإنتهاء منهم قريباً بإذن الله

            أخبار ومقالات     العضوية    
| استعراض كافة المواضيع
 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

Aly Sharaf

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 20/05/2010

Next time someone asks you "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?, or " DO YOUU KNOW WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?. You sould tell him YES....
I like to share with you a funny story that happened to me. Back in 1973 while I was just a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania State, my few egyptian friends an ! were driving back from a meeting to support our troops during the 1973 war. As we were talking I did not pay attention to a RED LIGHT and went through it. For my luck a policeman was nearby and stoped me. He politly asked for my license and informed me that I went through a red light and failed to stop as I must. With my argumental egyptian personality, I started to tell him about the war and who we are using my broken english then. He misunderstood me and thoght that I am telling him DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?. He went on answering "YES I DO KNOW WHO YOU ARE". You are the idiot and blind who does see the color of the light and does not know that it means that you have to stop. All of us in the car laughed and I accepted the ticket and later paid the fine. Now you know when someone asks you DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? when you try to correct his wrong actin, you answer him "YES". I hope I put a smile on your faces and gave a clue to how old I am. All the best. Aly Sharaf


 Thats funny :D
It surprises me that Egyptian were using that frase since 1973 !!!!
Thanks for sharing ...
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

Aly Sharaf
Aly Sharaf
Dear Neighbore: What drove me to write my experience with frases like "DO YOU KNOW WHO ARE YOU TALIKING TO" is the unfortunate incidence when an under the influence girl was insulting and beating on the security man at late time and telling him "DO YOU KNOW WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?....etc. The security man should have answered her" yes I do.........etc.
Thanks to Dr. Soma. This frase has been used by Egyptians long before 1973 and since the BECS , BASHAS and the cast system which was predominant in the Egyptian society. All the best.
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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