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رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

Why do not we gather one day a week for jogging

الاضافة بواسطة mo-em
تاريخ الاضافة 04/06/2010

 Hey Rehabians, I am a new Rehab resident and like sport and running, I am just wondering if we can create a group for running on Al Rehab Streets :-). What do you think?


My thought is to gather one or two days a week for jogging. It will be funny and all of us will know each other. Additionally, we will be more sporty!!!


Awaiting your thoughts my neighbors


Aly Sharaf
Aly Sharaf
It is very hard to jog on the streets. The srtreets are filled with parked cars and drivers are very careless and it would be very dangerous. On my winter vacation when I come to El-Rehab I jog on the track inside the club. It is a good place and lots of people walk on it every day. Good luck
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

Good idea.. thank you
 Jogging or walking would be an excellent idea in the afternoon to avoid the heat
I think we can arrange for two groups one on Friday and one on Saturday to include as many of our neighbors as possible.
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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