أقسام العقارات والمبوبة والدليل مازالوا تحت التطوير وسيتم الإنتهاء منهم قريباً بإذن الله

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 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

One Way Ticket to Failure

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 29/08/2010

How a buisness fail and succed in any place

No one deny the success of the Talaat Mustafa Group during the last 2 decades. They have built cities, hopes and futures for many workers and employees. They changed dry deserts to green cities and establshed modern societies inside them.


But, it is a known fact that when a buisness changes the way they treat their customers and ignore their demands, it is going one way trip to failure. History taught us many lesssons of the Soviet Union, General Motors, Pan Am and many like them.


The Jehaz people treat us like we are not the owners, rather we are their tenants. When we ask for somthing their respond, if they do, with arrogance. Evene their leaders speaks like he is the governer of the city. They are very conceded and never listen to any of our demands. They must know and realize that the residance pay their salary and the cost of electricity to air condition their offices.


When the authorities listen to people complains and act on it with respect, and when they take the right decisions handling the problems and avoid future ones, then, and only then we will live happly everafter. They must put themselves in our places when we have a complain. Beleive me we will always listen only if they make sence and get off their high horses. All the best. Dr. Aly Sharaf




Nice words
Thank you Dr. Aly , In Egypt There is no problem to fail just keep trying ...... ha.ha.ha
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

أوعى تفتكر الكلام ألك ياجار
طالما كان الحصان اللى راكبه بفلوسك وما بتدوسشى بيه على حد ..
لأ وكمان بتحاول تساعد الاخرين حتى ولو مشيت على الاشواك
وأنت غير مكلف..
فلتفخر بحصانك الأصيل ولتفخر بذاتك الكريم ..
 وليكن الخزى من نصيب الآخرين وستبدو الليموزين معهم وكأنها حمير..
ِ فلا تكلوا ولا تيئسوا ولا
 تنزلوا عن خيولكم ..فما ضاع حق وراءه مطالب..
 وكل عام وأنتم بكل خيل(أقصد بكل خير)
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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