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 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

Registeration argument

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 25/10/2010

It iis good to know that constructive argument on a subject is always healthy and results in a good and wise decisions
 Dear All:

First: I like to apologize to Mr. Mustashar if I was little out of line. This is in spite of the fact that I felt insulted by him through his many comments. But I beleive in waht is known "A WRONG DOES NOT MAKR ANOTHER WRONG RIGHT".

Second: I like to mention that I am currently and still living in the USA and can forget about what goes on in El-Rehab. But my love to Egypt and specificaly El-Rehab makes me attached to everthing that goes on in it. I love it so much that I own a villa and 7 apartments in it.

Third: I am use to buying and registering any property and have its name trasfered from the seller's name to the new owner's name in about 30 minutes. I have done this many many times here and own many properties.

Fourth: I realize that this is Egypt but we all like to ware the Crown of Ownership of our properties over our heads and be proud of it. We like our properties have our names on it so we can pass it on to our childrens, sale it or do whatever we like to do with it. This is as long as we paid for it in full and have in our hand a contract that requires the Company to register these units in our names as soon as we finish paying for it in full.

Fifth: I am not a legal scholar I have my own lawyer who handles all of my legal affairs here in the USA, In Egypt we had to hire a lawyer to help us after we heared so many excuses from the company and I did not see a single unit registered after all these years.

Now, and I always say an argument is healthy and results in very well studied decision.This is true in the field of science, public opinions and all aspects of life I hope the Mustashar and anyone else who knows more about law to step up to the plate and take initiative questioning these lawyer about the way they aproach each case. We all must unit to keep our beloved city, clean and save and unit when we question any wrong doing. The Jehaz is our only source of authority and must be our only aurthority to be held responsible for what goes on in the city.

I'm an elected commisioner in my small area and on the board of director of a condo complex larger that El-Rehab. We have meeting every first Monday of each month in the evening. You must be present to see the arguments among all the owners. We as Board must listen and take action for each proplem before the next meeting. We will hear what we do not like to hear if we did not. The Board members are volunteers and get no salary. They are elected ever 2 years and we are self- managed and maintained organization with a regulations signed by each owner... I can go on and on and as I said many time I saw in El-Rehab people who are capable to help from the legal point, like El-Mustashar and others, civil engineers, social relation peoples, Doctores, Teatcher...all what we need is an orginzation to organize all of them and their opinions.


I thought I go over this beleiving that all of us are better inside than what shows on the out side.

All the best.

Dr. Aly Sharaf



Dear Dr. Aly
I have to admit that you are too patient to write all these facts from which we can learn a lot. Also, you should know that myself and so many others enjoy reading what you write.  God bless you and all the best.
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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