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 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

It is the HONOR of TRY and MORE

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 30/10/2010

The Court Cases if it point to anything, it points to the general feeling of the Rehab residence.
 Dear All:

The court cases currently before the court judges express the HONOR of the TRY of the participating residence. It also expresses many things which I like to summerize in the following points:


A) It is the great disappointemnt in the Jehaz in the way that is managing the city. What we are asking is not so difficult to excute, like some tried to picture them. Do you call that to keep the city streets clean and repaired is such an impossible act?. Do you call that to preserve our greens and gardens from the outsiders is an impossible act?. Do you call that we like to see a certified budget by Certified Acounting Firm is impossible to do?. Do you think that when we ask to have our names registered on our untis is unreasonable?...and on, and on.


B) We all feel that we were cheated according the terms of the contracts which the company lawyers wrote themselves. The ownership transfere and the changes in the terms made us feel like we were not that smart when we signed these contracts. I like to think that El-Rehab have in in the cream of the Egyptian crop when it comes to education and knowledges.


C) It is a case of mistrust that was built over the years that we do not trust the JEHAZ any more.


D) The latest disapointemnt is their delay in delivering the units of PHASE 9 on December 2010 for extra 4 months. I happen to have 2 units within this PHASE and already planed to come to Egypt during the month of December to recieve them. Who is responsible for the waste of time and money which will result from this delay ?. If anyone of the buyers was ever been late on his payments, they will call and charge him a late charges. I like them to apply the same rules on themselves.


You must know that we love to have the best relationship with the JEHAZ. We like them to do what they promised to do and respect our ownershig. To say that they are better than anybody else outside who took money from people and never delivered, is agreeing with the WRONG MAKES ANOTHER WRONG RIGHTconcept. A concept that calls for thanking ALLAH that we received our units late and with all the faults in them. Because of the above claimed concept and excuse,  we must have clapped our hands when we saw the Israeli Troops massacre the children of GAZA because someone haphazardously launced a missile in the desert towads them.


I write this hoping that the JEHAZ and also the residence can come together with the understanding that we are all in the same boat. I call on the leaders of both to gather and discuss all these mistrusts and misunderstandings and we will all come out winners.


All the best

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