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نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

Here they go again!!

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 16/01/2011

Again the streets of El-Rehab are flooded because of the rain just like the last year, the year before, the year before and the year before.
Dear Neighbors: AL SALAM ALUKUM 


Again and for how many times the streets are floded with rains water and again the excuses are used to cover the JEHAZ negligence. Mr. Hassan Sayed Hassan, a resposible individual in the JEHAZ, during his interview with Mr. Ahmed Ghanem explains the reason for the water accumulation. He attributed the problem to the clogging of the drain pipes with sand, which needed to be cleaned on a regular bases. In his second statement, he emphasized that the JEHAZ cleans these pipes on a regular bases!!!. The question remains is what caused this flood if the JEHAZ cleaned the pipes.


Mr. Hassan is trying to cover the nigligence of the JEHAZ in doing his job eventhough  this problem occures every year around this time. Where are the engineers and the maintenance departments of the company who are filling the airwaves that they are the best in Egypt. I can understand that it may happen one year and immediately was taken care of and not every year.


Like I always say, I think that El-Rehab residence are more intilligent than what Mr. Hassan and his JEHAZ think.


All the best.


Dr. Aly Sharaf 

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