Dear Sam:
This is an excellent idea which I raised before. The JEHAZ is not welling to pay for the cost of all these demands. They will use excuses that building such a fense will violate the legal status of the city from being a common inhabitant one to a resort one. I checked and found out that it was just an excuse.
So, the best way to excute your ideas is to do it ourself. We must start by asking the JEHAZ to allow us to form a group of people who will start collecting donations and hire a contract (TMG may be one) to build the the fense, set viewing cameras and do more to protect the city.
By suggesting this to them they may accept our idea since it is not going to cost them. Donations will be collected from door to door, from commercial places and everwhere throughout the city. I think you will find lots of people happy to pay their share.
I also suggest the we get an idea of the cost of all these steps from contractors in the field.
It is just an idea.
All the best