It is also all of us manners to thank anyone for doing his job. However when someone treated you badly as the JEHAZ did and for many years, we may be very hesitant to do so. The JEHAZ left a very bitter taste in all of our mouthes for the following reasons:
A) Cutting off the water illegaly using BALTAGIA like the ones we saw on the CAMEL BATTELS DAY in TAHRIR SQUARE.
B) Not maintaining the streets where there are potholes and raised sewage covers which may break your car. They are there for many years.
C) Increasing the so called MAINTENANCE DIFFERENCE COSTS every year without explaining to any of us the reason(s) for it.
D) Taking over our green areas with any permission from any of us.
E) Refusing to register our properties to our names as they promised.
F) Letting everyone to get into our city using its facilities which we pay for its maintenance.
D) Refusing to form a OWNER'S UNION so we can give an opinion in the management of our city.
E) Giving so many promises which never saw the day light.
Finaly, we must not forget that the JEHAZ members own many places and units in the city and it was so obvious that they warry about it.
If the JEHAZ has cooperated with the residence in all of the above items, I will be the first one to write and thank them every moment. Unfortunately, the JEHAZ cares only for its interest , increase its proft and enriching its memebers. Just look at the GATES card projects and the money they collected one year after another and still do not work!!!!.
All the best