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 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
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رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223


الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 27/02/2011

The Rehabowners Group announces a GENERAL MEETING for all the residence of El-Rehab. We would like all of the residence to attend and express their opinion.
 Dear All:


On Friday 4/3/2011 at 7:00 PM the Rehabowners Group will have a general meeting at the Senior Hall of the Club. Everyone is invited to attend because we will discuss the following items:


A) Working with the JEHAZ to build a brick fence around the city.


B) Discuss the formation of HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION to comunicate with the JEHAZ and with each others.


C) Discuss the WATER METERS READING PROBLEMS and the way it is used to charge the residence for the water.


D) Discuss any problem of maintenance of the streets and the general infrastructure of the city. Also the maintenance difference charges and its validity.


E) Any general complains from all resodence.


There is an idea to form a group of volunteers of 4 persons each to follow up with every issue. This group will communicate with all of us and the JEHAZ to find solutions to these problems.


We encourage everyone, especially the honorable young individuals, to attend. We all would like to salute them and thank them.


See you all soon.


All the best 


Aly Sharaf


مجموعة ملاك الرحاب على الفيس بوك
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

MHB ????E ????E
but what about others
for sure i agree for a meeting ... i just wrote: لازم نحدد موعد للاجتماع: يا جماعة لازم نحدد موعد للاجتماع لتوحيد الجهود وتحويل الأقوال لأفعال !!!! فيه مدونات كتيرة لنفس الغاية ...لازم الكل يجتمع مع بعضه !!!! I think gathering inside the club will generally be limited to members. I am a member...but what about others?
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

Aly Sharaf
 Dear MHB
Everyone is invited to this general meeting. Non-memebers as well as the members, young and old, JEHAZ staff and employees..etc. are all welcomed.
During this meeting we shall itemize the issues and discuss every possible way to improve our city in light of the new breeze of freedom and democracy. Every opinion will be respected and considered.
Will see you all at 7:00 PM on Friday 4/3/2011 at the Senior Hall of the Rehab Club.
All the best
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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