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| استعراض كافة المواضيع
 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

Let us take a close look at what the JEHAZ is suggesting.

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 03/03/2011

I along with many of the residence would like to give the JEHAZ the benefit of the doubt and have the feeling that it is sincere about his efforts of foeming the Union of the owners. However..
Dear All:


A) After reading the JEHAZ circular for many times, it brought to my memory what the latest NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY did during the last election of MAGLES EL SHAAB.


B)The party supervised the selection and the election of its members and handeled everything for them from registeration and  campaign to counting the votes.


C) The Jehaz wants to form an election committee, print a the running form, doing the campain and count the votes at the end????.


D) The JEHAZ will make sure that all of his employees and members who own unitis and commercial place are elected and will look to all of us like it was a free election and voting. Just like what AHMED EZZ did during the last election.


E) The JEHAZ knows that we are about to win our court case which will call for the formation of HOMEOWNERS UNION according to the law. The JEHAZ is trying to go around this by such a circular which is not legal.


F) If the JEHAZ wants this union to share in the management of the city, why they insist about 10 members of it staff to be in this committee.


G) The JEHAZ must adopt the rule of NO ONE of its staff or employees is allowed to be in any commitee. This will avoid the status of CONFLICT OF INTEREST when making any decision.


Finally, I like for everyone of us to take a closer look to what the JEHAZ is trying to do. They feel that we will not be denied any right of ours.


Is not freedom great?. May ALLAH reward our youth of the revolution of the 25th. of January.


All the best.


Dr. Aly Sharaf


MHB ????E ????E
old fasion regimes .... have no room in this era
!!!!!same tricks... same minds.... same low level morals!!! So...... let us be inspired by 25/1 revolution and keep going forward with our actions until they step down >>>>>>> old fasion regimes .... have no room in this era <<<<< salam ...Dr. Badr
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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