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 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

I've just left EGYPT on Wednesday and when I lokked back found..

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 09/05/2011

This was one of my exciting vacation I ever had and when I left and looked behind me, I found a country is breaking apart!!
Dear All:


A) I've just come back to my adopted countery of USA and when I looked behind me to my mother nation, I found a country is about to destroy itself.


B) Since my arrival on Wednesday, my neighbors and friends either calling me or visiting my home asking about my vacation and how is Egypt?.


C) They also see and hear the news about what goes on between our christians and moslem egyptians. They, as weel as, I express our sadness for what is going on.


D) This took away the joy and what I was planning to show them and explain to them about the democracy and freedom which are about to superseed the egyptian society.


At the end, I like to know who is behind all these incidences?. 40 years ago when I was in Egypt and as a student, I never felt any difference between moslem and christian. 


Let us all come to our senses and realize that this is a very dangerous road only our enemies like us to take.


May ALLAH protect our beloved Egypt.


Dr. Aly Sharaf    


 Dear Dr. Ali,
I am glad you consider your last visit to Egypt one of your best holidays.
As for the recent events, it is rather complicated as more than one party is involved .. therefore one needs to look at the story from different angles.
this is the story according to the Minister of Interiors:
Please read the comments as well, they tell a lot
And this is the story according to the Christian woman who converted to Islam:
If you can read Belal Fadl in almasry Alyoum I think you will get another part of the story
But let me tell you this: Egypt is fighting its battle to be on top again and we have to be smart enough to realize that many are fighting back for their own interests. ... We should never allow them to succeed.
All the best
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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