أقسام العقارات والمبوبة والدليل مازالوا تحت التطوير وسيتم الإنتهاء منهم قريباً بإذن الله

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 نصائح وإرشادات عقارية
نوع العقار:
رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

مشروع المليار جنية للقضاء على العشوئيات شارك ولو بجنية

الاضافة بواسطة MB
تاريخ الاضافة 17/06/2011

https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=208328185869312 حساب البنك المركزي للتبرع لمشروع المليار للقضاء على العشوائيات هو: 555666/7 البنك المركزي

قام الجيش بالتبرع ب 50 مليون جنية / و قد صرح الجيش بأنة سيقوم بعمليت البناء و الترميم في هذة المناطق. أيضا صرّح الجيش بأن كل العاطلين أصحاب الحرف في البناء سيعملون في هذا المشروع و يتلقون مرتب


الدال على الخير ... كفاعله . على الأقل أنشر الخبر.

Aly Sharaf
This is a great project, we must learn from history
Dear All: This is a great project. We must learn from history.
A) In 1929 the USA found itself facing the greatest economic deprission of its history.
B) People lost their mony, banks closed, the stock market collapsed and people could not affort their daily meals. Soap kitchens with very long lines were all over the country. People became homeless..etc.
C) During this time the US government came up with the idea of building the country's roads.
D) President Coolidge asked every unemployed individual to go and work in those road projects for 1/4 of dollar a day and everyone responded.
E) The country ended up having the largest and most efficient road map in the world and people were able to restart their life and feed themselves and their families.
Of course, and thank ALLAH, Egypt is not in a depression stage but history can teach all of us that we can cooperate and work to remove these illigal hoiusing blocks and replace it with more human places, and in the mean time creat jobs.
I encourage projects like these and ask every able egyptian to donate to it.
All the best.
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

Dear Dr. Aly
Thank you for your comments and i hoped to be in arabic so that many can get it. p.s. if you have only English keyboard (as me) , i suggest to visit http://www.yamli.com/editor/ar/ all you need to do is to write arabic using english keys and it will appear in arabic letters. best regards
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  

Aly Sharaf
Thank you MB
Dear MB:
Thank you for the advice. After living here in the USA for long 40 years, it became kind of difficult to write in Arabic. I've tried many times to write in Arabic and failed miserably. It took me more than one hour to write one line.
Furthermore, I know for a fact that most of the readers in Egypt and especialy of Rahaby.net will not have any difficulty reading foreign languages and especialy English. They are the cream of the crop of Egypt. I deeply apologize and will give it another try.
Finally, I tank you for raising this issue.
All the best
الإبلاغ عن إساءة  


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