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رقم الاعلان:
إحصائيات المدونات
عدد المدونات : 496
عدد التعليقات : 1223

More Coruption from the TALAAT MUSTAFA GROUP

الاضافة بواسطة Aly Sharaf
تاريخ الاضافة 19/07/2011

Today, Ahmed Nasif is being investigated for favours he received from TALAAT MUSTAFA GROUP in the form of units at San Estefano
 Dear All:


I've just read that former Prime-Minsters "Ahmed Nasif" is being investigated for favours he received from TALAT USTAFA ROUP (TMG).


A) Anas El-Feky was questioned before about the same reason. I beleive that the whole TMG organization and projects must be investigated.


B)This proves that they obtained all these projects via coruption by paying briberies to governmment officials all along


C) TMG gave briberies in the form of Villas and Units in El-Rehab, Madeinaty, San Estafano and all of its projects.


D) It is not surprising to see the previous Minster of Justice, Minster of Labors, Judges, Court Presidents and big laawyers who are living in El-Rehab until today.


E) TMG also gave units to Gamal and Alaa Mobarak, and many others either free or with a very es[ecial prices and finishings.


F)TMG have on its legal staff many members of the previous corupt Majles El-Shoura . Hisham Talaat was the president of the Housing Committee in Majles El-Shora and his brother Tarek was a member of the same committee in Majles El-Shaab.


With all this coruption showing as bright as day light, do we realy trust this organization to treat all of us with honosty and transparency when it comes to manage our city El-Rehab?. I will ask you to be the judge.


All the best.


Dr. Aly Sharaf

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