أقسام العقارات والمبوبة والدليل مازالوا تحت التطوير وسيتم الإنتهاء منهم قريباً بإذن الله

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منتديات رحابي

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8:47:50 PM

تاريخ التسجيل : 23/05/2009
عدد المشاركات :2
PostNew to Rehab City

 I know nothing in Rehab City but I am planning to move there so I need a simple direction and some advice from all of you there and I know you will not let me down. How is the city divided? I need all information in english pleaseeeeee. Thank you all for your cooperation in advance and waiting for your replies :))
  اضافة رد

6:56:07 AM

تاريخ التسجيل : 12/08/2007
عدد المشاركات : 370

Dear Mary (Kity)
Al Rehab is the first City built by the private sector in Egypt having comprehensive services to cater for all needs of it’s residents. It is set on an area of 10 million m2 in New Cairo to accommodate 200 thousand inhabitants.

   The city will have ten phases upon it’s completion each built on an area of 240 feddans. All the services needed are provided throughout the city. Five Language schools are available in AlRehab city to meet all the educational requirements of the city’s occupants; these are namely “The British School”, “The Future School” “The German School”, the Othman Ibn Affan School and a French School. Health & Emergency Medical Services are also available twenty four hours a day and are provided through a Clinics and Medical Centers having a varied range of specialized doctors in diverse disciplines available throughout the day. Commercial areas containing a wide array of shops to fulfill all the daily shopping and household needs of the city’s residents are available alongside a handicrafts and maintenance area containing shops that provide all our client’s maintenance facilities from car repair to carpentry work. A large Sports & Social Club is available having all the varied sports facilities to fulfill all sports needs of city’s occupants.
adnd also u can visit this website for more information
اضافة رد

8:28:20 AM

تاريخ التسجيل : 23/05/2009
عدد المشاركات : 2

 Thank you Ramy
اضافة رد

10:50:07 AM

تاريخ التسجيل : 06/03/2008
عدد المشاركات : 303
Smileشكراً رامي و...Welcome Mary

عزيزي أستاذ/ رامي


تحية طيبة وبعد،


شكراً على المعلومات الهايلة دي. أنا في الرحاب منذ 2002، وقد أفادتني هذه المعلومات كثيراً جداً فلم أكن أعرف أغلبها، ومنها الموقع الهايل دة.


فشكراً لك، وجزاك الله خير الجزاء،


إبراهيم سرِّي



Dear Mary,


Welcome to Al-Rehab wonderful community. Whenever you reside and settle in Al-Rehab, you may get in touch with “Tatweer Social Services Society”. From the name, you can find out what it is providing (FOC) information and possible assistance concerning  Al-Rehab city and residents. They are gentle, nice and trustable volunteers.


These are some of their cell phone numbers:








Have a nice residence, times and good luck in Al-Rehab,


I. Serry


اضافة رد
عدد الردود 3

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